WindowMenu is a utility that exists to let you do one thing: jump directly to a specific window in an application. Although I have a big monitor, I often find myself going through all kinds of contortions to get to a window I know is open but that is buried under a hundred others. Applications with ╥Windows╙ menus help things somewhat, but you still have to make the trip to the menu bar.
WindowMenu will pop up a menu of all open windows in the current application and let you select one directly when you click anywhere while holding down control keys that you choose. It also lets you define a hotkey to cycle forward and backwards through all open windows. I use it every day and I think if you give it a try, you may too.
WindowMenu is $10US shareware.
How do I install and use WindowMenu?
Ñ Drag the WindowMenu Extension and the WindowMenu Controls items to your System Folder. Your Macintosh will ask you if you would like to put them in their appropriate locations in the System Folder. Say Yes.
Ñ Reboot your machine.
WindowMenu is now activated.
Use the WindowMenu Controls control panel to choose control keys or hotkeys for the features you want to use. Changes take effect immediately; you do not have to reboot. If you choose control keys for the popup menu, clicking anywhere while holding down those control keys will cause the menu to appear. I have found that using ╥Command + Shift╙ for the popup menu and ╥Command-Shift-Up arrow╙ and ╥Command-Shift-Down arrow╙ for cycling forward and backward work well for me, but you can choose any keys you like.
Please note that WindowMenu disables itself while the control panel is open, so you will have to close the control panel to try out your changes.
A few minor points: WindowMenu won╒t let you turn on the popup menu feature without choosing a combination of control keys, since that would mean any click of your mouse would bring up the menu! It will also warn you if you choose a hotkey that doesn╒t involve any control keys, since that would involve your losing the normal use of that key.
Although I╒ve tested WindowMenu with a whole slew of programs, there are no guarantees that it will work correctly with everything out there. WindowMenu╒s technique for bringing a window forward may interfere with some programs, and you may find that floating windows sometimes make things behave a little strangely. There isn╒t much I can do about these problems, although if you point out severe individual cases, I╒ll try to fit a workaround into the next version.
NOTE: If you are using the shareware extension CopyPaste, WindowMenu will not allow you to choose any control key combinations that include the ╥Control╙ key (The leftmost key on the bottom row of most extended keyboards). This is a known problem due to a bug in CopyPaste; we are working with the author of that utility to resolve the problem.
What╒s the catch?
WindowMenu is shareware. That means that you get to use it free for a month, but if you decide to keep it and use it, you must register it. WindowMenu is $10US per copy. To register your copy, use the enclosed ╥Register╙ program that lets you pay by cash, net cash, cheque or credit card through snail mail or email.
Although I program for the Macintosh mostly for the experience and enjoyment, I can╒t justify the time expenditure (and hardware costs!) without support. If you think WindowMenu is useful and you use it, please register your copy. Even if you don╒t decide to keep it, drop me a line if you have suggestions for the next version that might make you change your mind.
When you register, I will isolate you from any future price increases for the package, and I will do my level best to incorporate whatever fixes or new features you might suggest.
What other stuff have you written?
Other products of mine include:
Ñ File Tracker: File Tracker is a power users╒ tool that lets you ╥watch╙ files or folders for changes, such as new files arriving in a folder, files disappearing or being modified, etc. When changes are detected, File Tracker can run an AppleScript or a sequence of instructions you can construct using a built-in library of actions. File Tracker is used by many companies and schools to track important files on their networks. File Tracker is $15US shareware.
Ñ ScriptSynch: ScriptSynch lets you automatically run a script or open files when an application launches or quits. You can use it to tie programs together so they launch and quit simultaneously, or write scripts to track the time you spend in individual programs. ScriptSynch is $10US shareware.
Ñ Script Hider: Script Hider lets you run AppleScripts ╥invisibly╙, without them appearing in the Application menu. This is useful for stay-open scripts that need to run on unsecured machines, such as in a lab, where they could be quit by naive users. Script Hider is free.
Where can I get the newest version of WindowMenu?
If you got WindowMenu from a CD compilation, user group or any source other than an on-line service or the Internet, your copy may be out of date. You can download the latest copy of any of my programs and get information on WindowMenu at my web site,
Stop by from time to time to check for updates to the programs you use. My programs are also available from Info-Mac mirror sites on the Internet, and the scripting-related ones are available on the MacScripting software archive at:
Note that WindowMenu is not available at the scripting archive.
How can I get in touch with you?
Email is best and most efficient. Here╒s my address with some other ways of reaching me:
FAX: (514) 486-8695
WWW Home Page:
Snail Mail:
Mark Aiken
4220 Kensington Ave.
Montreal, Quebec, H4B-2W1,
Version History
Version 1.1.1 (Feb 23rd 1996) fixes a crashing bug at startup if the Extension is present but the Control Panel does not load for whatever reason. It also lets you switch between windows with the same name using the popup menu, and is the first version to be released simultaniously in English and Japanese.
Version 1.1 (Feb 8th 1996) fixes a crashing bug due to a conflict with After Dark 3.0 and certain other utilities. It also fixes the problem of the hotkeys not working on non-Roman script systems and is the reference release for an upcoming Japanese version.
Where╒s the fine print?
Here. Have fun!
Terms of usage
In this document, ╥software╙ refers to all computer programs, codes, or documents included with this document, or any copy of any part of the items mentioned above. ╥you╙ refers to any entity that acquires this software.
The software is ⌐1996 Mark Aiken. Although the software may be freely distributed, ownership of and interest in this software shall remain with the author, Mark Aiken. By retaining the software or making use of it, you are agreeing to the terms in this document. If you do not wish to, or cannot, comply with the terms in this document, you must destroy all copies of the software in your possession. In the event that you violate any part of this agreement, your right to use the software terminates automatically and you must destroy all copies of the software in your possession.
You are licensed to use the software provided you respect the following terms:
You may:
1. Use the software for the purpose of evaluating it for a period of time not exceeding one month, beginning at the date that you begin using the software.
2. Redistribute the software to any person or organization, provided you redistribute a package identical to the one you obtained.
3. Make as many backup copies as you like of the software.
You may NOT:
1. Alter the software in any way.
2. Redistribute the software in an altered form.
3. Redistribute the software as a package that differs in any way from the one you obtained. (i.e., you may not add or remove elements of the package when redistributing it, or distribute any altered versions of the original elements).
Register the software by paying any applicable fees (Registration instructions are given in the documentation) after your evaluation period. When you have registered your copy, you may:
1. Use the software on as many computers as you like as long as you are the sole user of the software (ex: A single person installing the software on both his / her work and home machine, for personal use).
2. In lieu of 1), you may install the software on ONLY one (1) computer for use by several people, as long as not more than one person at a time can use the software (ex: A person installing the software on a lab computer functioning for the benefit of many).
If your needs are not covered by the cases above, contact the author for additional licensing information.
This software may be distributed via any means, physical or electronic. Excluded from this statement are organizations wishing to distribute this software in a commercial compilation, or organizations wishing to redistribute this software for profit. Such organizations must contact the author for written authorization to distribute the software. Permission is hereby granted for organizations wishing to distribute the software in non-commercial compilations (i.e., ones which are made available solely for the cost of materials, shipping, etc.), to do so.
Disclaimer of warranty
Mark Aiken hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Mark Aiken will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Mark Aiken or an agent of his has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Mark Aiken be liable for any damages, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
US Government:
Government End Users: If you are acquiring the Software on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions apply. The Government agrees:
(i) if the Software is supplied to the Department of Defense (DoD), the Software is classified as ╥Commercial Computer Software╙ and the Government is acquiring only ╥restricted rights╙ in the Software and its documentation as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and
(ii) if the Software is supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government╒s rights in the Software and its documentation will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of the FAR or, in the case of NASA, in Clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement to the FAR.
Complete agreement
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes any prior agreements between you and the author concerning this software. This agreement cannot be amended, modified, or waived except in writing.
If any provision of this agreement shall be found to be unenforceable, it shall be deemed severed from the remainder of this agreement.